Cavernous Sinus Thrombosis: Case Report
Case Report: 55y male, known diabetic, presents with headache, fever, left eye pain
with swelling, ptosis, left eye vision loss, altered sensorium of acute onset.
MRI brain & orbits findings ( CEMRI not
done, in view of elevated serum creatinine) –
- Proptosis of
left eyeball with altered signal/fat stranding in intraconal & superomedial
extraconal compartment of left orbit with bulky superior/medial rectus/superior
oblique muscles & bulky STIR
hyperintense left optic nerve – suggesting orbital infective / inflammatory
changes like cellulitis with acute optic neuritis.
Patchy mucosal
thickening with T2 iso to hypointense signal in ethmoid sinus & mild
expansion of sinus with ill defined left lateral wall of the ethmoid sinus –
suggesting sinusitis (like fungal/other bacterial). Fluid signal seen in
sphenoid sinus along with mucosal thickening in both maxillary sinuses.
Left cavernous
sinus is ill defined/ bulky with T1 hypointense signal with effacement of fat
signal in it & T2 altered isointense signal with thin soft tissue in its margin
reaching upto left orbital apex – likely suggesting septic thrombosis of the
left cavernous sinus.
- Focal diffusion
restriction in left hypothalamus / left anterior commissure near midline &
left temporal lobe inferomedially – acute infarcts, likely due to infective
vasculitis. Ill defined mild diffusion
restriction in left basifrontal lobe white matter – could be acute ischemic
lesion or due to encephalitis. Loss of T2 flow
void with smaller caliber of left ICA in carotid canal & cavernous segments
( cavernous more than carotid canal) – suggesting thrombosis.
Discussion by Dr MGK Murthy, Dr GA Prasad
- Cavernous sinus is extradural venous plexus surrounded by a dural fold in the middle cranial fossa containing internal carotid artery with its periarterial sympathetic plexus, abducens nerve lateral to the internal carotid artery, but medial to the oculomotor and trochlear nerves and the ophthalmic and maxillary divisions of the trigeminal nerve, which run superior to inferior within the lateral dural border of the cavernous sinus.
- Thrombosis of the cavernous sinus is usually caused by bacterial or fungal invasion complicating sinusitis in patients with poorly controlled diabetes or immunosuppression.
- Clinically characterized by multiple cranial neuropathies with impairment of ocular motor nerves, Horner’s syndrome, and sensory loss of the first or second divisions of the trigeminal nerve in various combinations. The pupil may or may not be involved.
- CT and MR imaging direct signs are changes in signal intensity and in the size and contour of the cavernous sinus, and indirect signs are dilatation of the tributary veins, exophthalmos, and increased dural enhancement along the lateral border of the cavernous sinus.
Few infective agents are-
Actinomycosis - mostly immunocompetent patients( men
>women), bacteria generally gain access to the central nervous system by
direct extension from the ear or sinuses or hematogenous spread from a distant
source & may appear as an
irregularly marginated, rim-enhancing abscess, meningoencephalitis, or as a
mass lesion.
Rhinocerebral Mucormycosis fungi
cause fulminant infection in immunocompromised and diabetic patients. After
inhalation into the nasal cavity and
paranasal sinuses, the fungi cause necrotizing vasculitis, thrombosis, or
infarction of the nose and sinuses and can
then rapidly extend into the orbits, deep
nervous system may be invaded directly by extension through the skull base or indirectly through involvement of the carotid artery
and cavernous sinus.
Aspergillosis - most commonly as a result of hematogenous spread and
direct extension of infection from the paranasal
sinuses, middle ear, or orbit, mostly in immunocompromised patients, tend to
invade vessels. Decreased signal intensity on T1-weighted imaging and very low signal intensity on T2- weighted
imaging are characteristic findings in
paranasal sinus aspergillosis and are attributed to paramagnetic elements by hemorrhage or
aspergillus fungal colonies, mainly iron and magnesium.
Inflammation of cavernous sinus are -
Tolosa-Hunt Syndrome - recurrent painful ophthalmoplegia
due to nonspecific granulomatous
inflammation in
the anterior cavernous sinus, superior
orbital fissure, or orbital apex with MR
findings include
nonspecific inflammatory lesions isointense to T1- and T2-weighted images in
the anterior cavernous sinus, the superior orbital fissure, or the orbital apex with contrast enhancement.
Inflammatory Pseudotumor - idiopathic inflammatory lesions with
rare skull base involvement. MR findings include soft-tissue lesions
infiltrating the skull base
with intracranial
dural involvement, bone destruction, iso- to hypointensity on T2-weighted
images according
to the fibrosis and high cellularity, and contrast enhancement
Cavernous Sinus Thrombosis: Case Report
Reviewed by Sumer Sethi
Tuesday, November 14, 2017

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