Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy (CIDP): MRI
Case Report
24 yrs
male presents for MRI of cervical & dorsal spine with H/O neck pain, right
upper limb pain, back pain & imbalance in walking of long duration.
MRI findings
Gross thickening with STIR hyperintense
signal in cervical nerve roots in foraminal
& extraforaminal segments with severe near symmetric involvement of
bilateral brachial plexus in entire extent upto divisions & cords without
any focal nodularity in the thickened nerve roots & with intact surrounding
fat planes. Thickening with increased signal to mild extent also seen in all
the dorsal nerve roots & intercostal nerves bilaterally. Limted sagittal
sections of LS spine show significant thickening of lumbar & sacral nerve
roots in foraminal & extraforaminal
segments without thickening of nerve roots of cauda equina. Spinal cord
is unremarkable without any focal lesion or any extrinsic compression. Findings
are not specific to etiology, possibly suggestive of hypertrophic polyneuropathy
like chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy
by Dr MGK Murthy, Dr GA Prasad
Chronic inflammatory
demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy (CIDP) is characterized clinically by a
progressive or relapsing course of many months to years of symptoms similar to
compressive myelopathy.
unknown, but T-cell activation in nerves plays an important role in the
pathogenesis of CIDP & antigens in Schwann cells have been identified.
characterized by mononuclear cell infiltrates, edema, segmental demyelination,
and remyelination & “onion bulb
formation” which describes enlarged fascicles with increased endoneural
connective tissues in which many myelinated fibers are surrounded by
concentrically arranged Schwann cells that affects both nerve roots and peripheral
nerves leading to nerve hyprtrophy.
Hypertrophy and abnormal enhancement of the cauda equina and lumbar spinal
roots are seen. Involvement of cervical roots and the brachial plexus are rare
& involvement of
intercostal nerves is also rare.
Increased T2 signal intensity and the variable contrast
enhancement of roots and nerve
trunks reflect increased water content within the nerve fascicles and breakdown
of the blood–nerve barrier, respectively. Gadolinium enhancement possibly
suggests active disease.
An elevated protein and low cell
count in CSF sample, slowing/ block / prolonged distal latencies, and absence
of waves or prolonged minimum f-wave latencies in electrophysiological
studies of nerve conduction
suggest CIDP.
diagnosis of nerve root hypertrophy–
Hereditary motor and sensory
neuropathies (HMSN) – which are a heterogeneous group of genetically determined
peripheral neuropathies characterized by symmetrical and predominately distal
motor and sensory disturbances and a slowly progressive course. Charcot-Marie-Tooth
and Déjèrine-Sottas disease are the disorders most characteristically
associated with marked thickening of peripheral nerves (hypertrophic
Dejerine-Sottas disease (also known as hereditary
motor and sensory neuropathy type III or hypertrophic
interstitial polyneuritis) – predominantly causes enlarged cauda equina nerve roots & cranial nerves.
Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease – usually shows
diffusely enlarged cauda equina, nerve roots, and ganglia.
Diagnosis is founded on familial
history, clinical-laboratory data, electromyography and nerve conduction
studies, sural nerve biopsy, and molecular genetic studies.
2. Neurofibromatosis.
3. Guillian-Barre syndrome - acute and rapidly
progressive inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy & diagnosis is usually established on the basis
of symptoms and signs, cerebrospinal
fluid findings and electrophysiologic criteria. MRI shows marked enhancement of the thickened nerve
roots in the conus medullaris and cauda equine with or without abnormalities on
precontrast images.
lesions like lymphoma / leukemia / meningeal carcinomatosis.
/ Amyloidosis.
6. CMV polyradiculopathy in patients with AIDS /
Lyme’s disease.
Biopsy of the involved peripheral nerve,
usually sural nerve may help in the diagnosis.
Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy (CIDP): MRI
Reviewed by Sumer Sethi
Tuesday, December 12, 2017

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