Polymicrogyria : MRI Teaching Case
Case – 35 yrs male with history of seizures presents for MRI showing – Right posterior frontal - temporo-occipital- parietal cortical
pattern suggests gross asymmetric thickness & gyral pattern with subtle
asymmetric CSF cleft in the sylvian fissure region with polymicrogyric
appearance with normal septum pellucidum & temporal horns – suggesting disorder
of cortical malformation of late intrauterine onset ( >20wks ) - Polymicrogyria. Case submitted by Dr MGK Murthy, Dr GA Prasad
Discussion -
Polymicrogyria is one of the most common malformations of
cortical development
in which the process of normal cerebral cortical development is disturbed
late in the stage of neuronal migration or early in the stage of cortical
organization, thus considered a disorder of neuronal organization.
1. Causes - Congenital infection (particularly cytomegalovirus infection).
- Localized
or diffuse in utero ischemia.
- Mutations.
2. Clinical profile - ranging from hemiparesis or partial epilepsy
to developmental delay, quadriparesis, medically refractory, intractable
3. Associations – can be isolated malformation or it may be associated
with other brain malformations like corpus callosum agenesis and hypogenesis,
cerebellar hypoplasia, periventricular nodular heterotopias and subcortical heterotopias.
4. The imaging appearance of polymicrogyria is variable which
can be due to
- imaging factors (amount of gray matter–white matter contrast, thickness of the slices).
the stage of maturity/ myelination of the brain at the time of the
imaging study.
- the type of PMG.
4a. Types of polymicrogyria -
- Multiple small delicate gyri.
- Thick and irregularly bumpy or be paradoxically smooth because
the outer cortical (molecular) layer fuses over the microsulci.
- Thick and coarse gyri with an appearance of “palisades” of cortex.
4b. Polymicrogyria may be unilateral (40%) or bilateral (60%).
The cortex surrounding the sylvian fissures is involved in 80% of cases, with
the frontal lobe being most commonly
involved (70%), followed by parietal (63%),temporal (38%), and occipital (7%)
4c. Polymicrogyria can be superficial, with the cortex appearing
flat and congruent to the arc of normal cortex, or may course radially inward,
as if it were buckled or folded toward the ventricle. Anomalous venous drainage
is common in areas of dysplastic cortex, seen in up to 51% of patients with
polymicrogyria with large vessels common in regions where there is a large infolding
of thickened cortex. Such large vessels should not be mistaken for vascular
5. Several syndromes of bilateral symmetrical polymicrogyria have been described, few are
- Bilateral perisylvian polymicrogyria (also called congenital bilateral perisylvian syndrome.
Bilateral frontoparietal
Bilateral symmetrical frontal
Bilateral parasagittal
parieto-occipital polymicrogyria.
6. Few of the specific syndromes associated with cerebral polymicrogyria are
- Aicardi syndrome.
- Delleman syndrome (oculo-cerebral-cutaneous syndrome).
- DiGeorge syndrome.
- Warburg Micro syndrome.
- D-bifunctional protein deficiency
Polymicrogyria : MRI Teaching Case
Reviewed by Sumer Sethi
Sunday, October 20, 2019

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