Wernicke's Aphasia : MRI
60 year old hypertensive male was brought to the OPD with complaints of confused talk for past 3 days. On history taking , we observed that the onset was acute. Neurological examination showed isolated impairment in language functions. Comprehension , repetition and reading was defective, there was neologism and paraphasias. Speech however was fluent.
Case submitted by Dr Rahul Rajeev , DM Neurology Resident.
Rest of the neurological examination was normal and there were no other focal signs. Cardiovascular examination also was normal. In view of the acute onset of sensory aphasia, we suspected a vascular etiology and proceeded with MRI with TOF MRA.
DWMRI showed hyperintensity in left M2 MCA territory with diffusion restriction. MRA also showed M2 MCA branch occlusion.
Final diagnosis of Wernicke's aphasia due to acute stroke in Left M2 MCA branch territory was made
Wernicke's Aphasia : MRI
Reviewed by Sumer Sethi
Tuesday, June 23, 2020

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