The Why behind "Warburg" Effect
Ever wondered why cancer cells undergo Warburg effect , aerobic glycolysis?
The why behind it.
This interesting paper explores this question. Learning about science unraveling these mysteries is always a pleasure.
According to the article
Aerobic glycolysis, or preferential fermentation of glucose-derived pyruvate to lactate despite available oxygen, is associated with proliferation across many organisms and conditions.
- PDH activation suppresses cell proliferation by reducing the NAD+/NADH ratio
- Insufficient ATP demand slows mitochondria NAD+ regeneration in proliferating cells
- Uncoupling mitochondrial respiration from ATP synthesis can increase proliferation
- Aerobic glycolysis reflects increased cell demand for NAD+ relative to ATP turnover
Reference : Increased demand for NAD+ relative to ATP drives aerobic glycolysis
Alba Luengo et al
Published:December 30, 2020 DOI:
The Why behind "Warburg" Effect
Reviewed by Sumer Sethi
Thursday, January 21, 2021

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